Saturday, February 12, 2011

Giving Love & Sympathy To My Spouse

I'm sure you read on FB that my husband's very favorite Uncle Julius passed away in Jacksonville, Fla. Due to my hubby's still recuperating from an illness, he doesn't feel like he should attending his funeral. We would never have enough finances to go on a trip that distance. As I began to give love and sympathy to him, he gave his feelings that it would be better to remember all the tremendous life he had in him instead of death look. You have to look on the reality of things. Weighing all circumstances, we are accepting the right decision, not to go. Dr. Julius was first a Music Director at one of the largest churches in America and then he was called to Pastor. After that, he had retired, but became ill quickly having pancreatic cancer and didn't live very long after they treated it.

We had many smpathies sent to us and that, we feel, is God's grace helping us through it. My hubby has been there for so many all the years in the ministry, I am glad he heard from friends and it makes it easier to grieve and pray for the family he had. Four grown kids, and several grandkids. His wife (Aunt Wynelle) still plays the piano in Church, so the funeral will be there. She is an amazing wife and God is extending grace to her; as she said he suffered so badly, it was a blessing that our precious Lord took Him home.

I know each one of you that read my blog will continue to pray for's a great loss....and that you will let us be truly grateful for your caring.

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