Wednesday, August 5, 2009

My Favorite Subject Regarding Love

Everyone's read my blogs....they know my favorite subject is LOVE. Besides your relationship with the Lord, the most important relationship you can have is your relationship with guess who??? Yourself. What you believe about yourself and the way you tret yourself will determine what you believe about others and the way you treat them!

Begin to celebrate yourself. When I worked with the ladies at church I would say "Have a Geneva Day" and that meant go out and celebrate yourself something even if it's ten cents! And do exactly what you want to do....only you want...what you enjoy. Only you know how far you have come to be the "you" that you are!!!

We love people to the degree that we love ourselves!


Geneva said...

ooooh, I want to have one of those days!! :D

Carol Donnelson said...

Guess what???? Our computer is up as of 10 a.m. this morning! Thank you for your awesome comment and I shall know the "Geneva Day" is sooo soon to be!