Wednesday, August 12, 2009

How To Get Your Husband To Talk To You

I had a lady text, call on phone, e-mail me, and put it on her Facebook - "Carol, how do I get my husband to talk to me?"

Frame what you are saying within musculine interest area he has.

Respond proactively to what your husband shares - pomoting more sharing!

If he comes home and says "I had a horrible day at work." He just told you! So, don't say "Tell me about it." Don't push him for details. His is short and sweet....but as ladies....our's is drawn out.

Remember: Men and women communicate differently! + there has to be a lot of trust! (Both ways) Question is: Can you be trusted with his feelings?

Men express love by doing. Gen. started with Adam.....

P.S. Clue #1: Please give him processing time. This requires patience! When he begins talking, L-I-S-T-E-N....that's a definite MUST! Come on - I know you can do it! It takes practice, lots of love, and understanding! In a marriage, communicate rocks! If you want a rock-solid marriage, you have to commit yourself to not being a nag or stirring up arguments. Come on. I know you can do it, so he'll talk if you just become interested in what he has to say! Blessings as you get him to talk! I know you can!

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