Monday, August 31, 2009

Encouragement Re: Choices

The willingness to make conscious choices is another way of demonstrating that you are ready to find new ways of living and being before you are FORCED to do it. When what we do, how we do it, and the way we do it no longer fits our purpose in life, we must choose to do something else. It means we are aware of our patterns, and no longer choose to embrace them. This becomes the choice to grow. When we consciously choose growth over stagnation and fear, the new choice decision will support our decision by bringing our lesson gently and lovingly.

You must make a choice to know the truth; the truth about your strength, your power, and your ability to withstand the consequences of your choices; makes it easier, because once you choose and see that things are getting a bit out of hand, or that you are in fact not ready, you have the ability, right, and power to make another choice. At the same time, stick to the truth (real facts) when you are making a choice. Weigh the pros and cons. That's my newest goal in making choices..pros and cons; believe you me it works!!!!

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