Saturday, August 29, 2009

Devote Your Time To Developing Yourself

Don't invest in what fades. Invest in what lasts all through life and on into eternity! God doesn't want emotional nuclear waste inside you to spew out of you and contaminate others around you. He doesn't want hatred, anger, bitterness, or criticism flowing out of you. He wants the inside of you to be a "river of living water" flowing out to send life and refreshment to others.

Our daughter gave of so much while she was here to us. I cannot thank her enough. And yet if you were to ask her, she would say, we were the ones that gave so much spirit, etc. Have you ever been around someone that makes you feel like you are the greatest person that ever existed on the face of the earth? That's her. She is always concerned about her Dad and I and what makes us happy. I know she has her own phenomenal life to live, but I know, without a shadow of doubt, we are more motivated than we ever were while she was here. She was such a refreshment. And that's why I'm writing about devoting time to developing "your-self." That's what I feel like doing when we go our separate ways....take care of self so I can live a healthy life, being so grateful I am a Mom, Wife, Grandma, Friend...... all the important roles!!!! Life is so full of joyous living; especially when you are around someone who wants your dreams so accomplished. I just had to blog my feelings and her uniqueness - something inside of me said "Go for it!" extraordinary hip hip hooray! ....a-ha I have bragging rights as a Mom and so do you ladies!!!!

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