Sunday, August 31, 2008


I wouldn't trade anything in the world for being a has so many fabulous memories of joys and happiness. Whenever I feel myself inferior to everything about me...I can still hold up my head and say to myself: "I am the daughter of the woman who.....had so many kids she didn't know what to do with we did for ourselves and boy did we ever become self-dependent!" Let me not forget that I am the daughter of a woman who bent her head, trembling as she stated many times "You kids...I don't know what I am going to do with you." At the same time, a woman/Mother who still took the time to introduce me to soothing luxury of a bubble bath and who let me venture out on my own and that is where I found the edges of my personality rounded out as at the age of 15 went to work (walked to work) in a Drug Store where my first job was a "soda clerk"......

Even though my Mother is not with me (she passed on when I was 25 years of age), I can never escape her presence in my heart. Never, never.

I hope this has been an encouragement to those of you whose Mother is always in your heart every single day and that you'll celebrate often the glorious Mom/Momma/Mother you have now or did have! Oh, the joy of being the Mom and reminiscensing of how fabulous it is to be the Mom of two kids and the unique bond between us. I hope this encourages you to stay close in love, admiration and respect to your Mother because if you are a Mother you will reap the benefits later on passing on a heritage and beautiful thoughts of the wonderful times and again JOY of being a Mother. It's a relationship that defies a complete description. Remember also to let love rule!

Happy Sunday, happy mothering, and have a safe, restful Labor Day weekend!

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