Monday, April 28, 2008

Good Grief It's Monday Already!

.....Don't let me kid favorite part of the week is Monday...yea~~~~~~~~
I love Mondays! We get to practice our Christianity what we learned on Sunday!...a-ha.....And I can get all the laundry done and we begin the week with ultra clean clothes! So I got carried away getting the laundry all folded nice and neat for my hubby when he needs it!!!'s done...out of the way - well maybe until Thursday and I will repeat this wonderful task. Most wives look on it with drudgery, but I think the more we support our family system, the more we are optimistic instead of grumpy and out of sorts!!!!!

Here's a great inspirational thought!

Belief in ourselves is like a muscle - it is strengthened by constant and careful use! Yea...have a super dooper Monday!

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