Friday, April 25, 2008


I truly love challenges. Many times, our "Welcome MC" at church will challenge us to get out of our box and invite others to church. I'll be the first one out the door and take the challenge with all the invigorating, looking for someone to invite beginning with Sunday and each day of that week.

As I was growing up, the Coach on the softball team always couldn't wait until the game because I was a player who DID WHAT THE COACH told me to do; if he said "Carol, hit the ball on left field," that's what I did. If he said "It looks like the 2nd baseman is not looking or paying attention, hit the ball straight out," that's exactly what I would do! (We had many winning scores because of my challenge from the Coach!)

I'm very challenged to bring others to church....where would I have been if my Senior High School girlfriend had not invited me to church? Thus, inviting others is not only a challenge for me; it makes me not want to give up....someone has to come and bring their family and I call it "fill those pews up!" This week I actually met a lot of people who do not have a church home. Was I definitely challenged? Absolutely! .....and hopefully they will be there Sunday. It's only a couple of days to keep on keepin' on....praying they will be there....greeting them at the door when they do attend! As my Aunt used to can't beat that with a stick! Have a super, fantastic Friday! Do not let anyone steale your joy that you have with challenges! And whatever you do, do not give up!

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