Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Is God There When You Need Him?



He is the source of our strength, wisdom, and blessings!

From where I sit, many people just call on Him when TROUBLE begins.....there are others who fully rely on God.

Me - I feel His presence and comfort in time of daily needs. I think of when life has been unfair to me. And in thinking of that person or persons who all those vengeful feelings rose up about - even the mere mention of their name, gets a rise.

Often we are tempted to justify ourselves - restate our case over and over in our mind who is responsible for hurting us, draw our line in the sand and don't deal with it. We tell ourselves: "I am a rock; a rock feels no pain."

But...... I would rather draw nigh to God, draw my line in the sand and make it a point to pray for the person who wronged me. People are not in charge of our lives - God is.....He sees our best interest at heart. Yes, He is definitely there! I might as well say it........God rocks!

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