Sunday, February 17, 2008

Early Bird

Okay.......yes, I'm an Early Bird....I admit it.....but I want to tape record our speaker today and so goes the hunt for the recorder. After finding it, I decided to have a cup of coffee and ENJOY the moments! (Wrapping a couple of b-day presents, getting caught up on some music I am practicing on the piano, making a to-do list for the upcoming week, reading, making a couple of b-day cards, writing a love-note to my hubby, giving our dog a name a few......)

Ever wonder what happens at 4 a.m???? Lots of sirens.....dogs barking up a storm....people coming home from somewhere, slamming car doors and talking kind of loudly. I confess.....the telephone rang and when I answered they said it was the wrong number.....have you ever not been able to go to sleep after that????

I'm not going to let it ruin my day! I promise! I can find so many blessings this early in the day or later on ..... all day as a matter of fact. And I don't mind being called an "Early Bird" .... after all since I'm up early, I imagine some people are just now going to bed......hmmmmmm takes all have a great Sunday and see ya in Church! Sending lots of hugs, prayers, and joy..........

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