Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Just for Today...

Well, what will it be? Do we desire a life distinguished by wisdom...or the opposite, one marked and marred by foolishness? I think I know the answer..just for today what can we do to form daily habits that will help us become women of wisdom. Do I consider God's wisdom to be more valuable than silver and gold? Look to the Bible - the wisdom to do what's right. Abigail (in I Samual 25) knew when to act and did. She knew what to do and did it. She is applauded as a woman of wisdom, characterized by sound, wise actions and speech. She perceived the big picture, kept her composure, formed a plan, spoke with wisdom and effectively influenced others. I care about women having wisdom, knowledge, good marriages, obedient children and know it is not wrong to pray for our marriages, family, and finances. Lift up your voice for understanding (James 1:5) so ask, precious one! Just ask!

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