Monday, March 26, 2007

Being Thankful Brings Peace & Contentment

Oh, dear Lord, we have gotten away from being "Thankful." This simple strategy, which may take only a few seconds to complete, has long been one of the most important habits I have ever engaged in. I try to remember to start my day thinking of someone to thank. To me, gratitude and inner peace go hand in hand. The more genuinely grateful I feel for the gift of my life, the more peaceful I feel. If You're anything like me, you probably have many people in your life to feel grateful for: family members, friends, people from your past, teachers, people from work, someone who gave you a break, as well as countless others. I learned a long time go that it's easy to allow my mind to slip into various forms of negativity. When I do, the first thing that leaves me is my sense of gratitude. I begin to take the people in my life for granted,and the love that I often feel is replaced with resentment and frustration. I want to stop right now and thank 2 families for the past 2 days that I haven't even had to get in my kitchen and cook. First of all, a family in our church who had us over for a fantastic cook-out Sat. and our Son and Daughter-in-law for a fabulous birthday event for our grandson Sunday. I am very thankful. Pretty soon I'm thinking of others things to be grateful for--my health, my children, my grandchildren, my husband, my friends, my church, the readers of my blog, my freedom, and on and on it goes.
Today I'm extremely grateful for electricity. TXU put a door hanger on our mailbox to remind us that all electricity in the neighborhood will be cut off from 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. today. "Changing out a telephone pole..."
It may seem like an awfully simple suggestion, but it really works! If you wake up in the morning with gratitude on your mind, it's pretty diffficult, in fact almost impossible, to feel anything but peace!

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