Friday, March 16, 2007

Being Labeled

Years of striving for professional success have supplied me with an abundance of feedback on my behavior, both solicited and unsolicited. I have surely received my share of criticism for complying with being labeled too competitive when I volunteered to take charge of a certain project. The woman who made the remark told me I should have waited until someone nominated me. (I might still be waiting there if I'd taken her advice.) To this day, I did a phenomenal job and look back on it with great rewards. Yes, I was labeled as "Goody, Goody, Two Shoes" but as I recall, it brought much joy to the Owners of the Company that I not only gave some fantastic ideas to better the Company, and a change in attitude with some of the negativity that had been going on was gone! (Plus I received a big bonus for my great idea.) Criticism always had a tremendous impact on me. I learned I must take the power back from all those people I had given it to and begin judging my behavior myself, taking both control of and responsibility for my own actions. Does it bother us when we are labeled "God/Husband Honored?" It has become far more acceptable to me to accept things this way and at the same time being happy with the two labels: "Goody, Goody, Two Shoes" and "God/Husband Honored."

1 comment:

Connie said...

They say 3 times is a charm, I'm trying my 3rd time to post a comment (I forgot my password). Anyway, as someone who labeled people in my pre-saved days, I know I did so out of my own insecurties. It somehow made me feel better labeling people. Now that I am secure in Christ, I feel being labeled can be a good thing. I agree with Carol, take back the power we sometimes give over people, but being a Goody, goody (I used this label on people to help me feel better about my sin), isn't so bad. I think a label is all in how we look at it! If I remember the person is giving us a label out of insecurities, it's easier to forgive them an pray for them!

Now, label me unstable and that is a little harder to deal with. A double minded man is unstable in all their ways. Is the label valid? Am I unstable? I think when we are given a label we need to ask those questions. Then see if I need to look at myself & ask the Lord to help me see if the label has some truth in it. Then seek the Lord & ask Him to help you/me overcome! We can do all things through Christ who strenghens us!