Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Think Tank...............random thoughts

While I was getting over the (ugh) bug...24/hr., that is.....I developed in my mind a Think Tank. You know, the wonders of what if's????? I would advise not to stay too long on that, but at the same time, it was fun thinking this and thinking while it lasted, it feels good to be back to normal, as I call it, and instead of thinking something is....knowing that it really isn't...but I can honestly say it was encouraging to say the least. I'm a person who has to spend some time thinking. Unfortunately I'm one of those people who can get over things quickly. In other words, I don't carry a grudge. I do know people that purposely withhold their friendship and just wait to see how long it is before I contact them. And I will contact them. It makes me feel like I'm tackling the BIGGER picture and why spend time on something so minor.

One friend contacted me yesterday that I haven't had contact with for quite a while (not because of me...I promise) so I will answer her e-mail. People - you are missed when you don't keep in touch. With all the tremendous decisions we have to make regarding our retirement, it is amazing to hear from friends we know and have. So, thanks for the fact that as I spent time on "thinking" about you, how you are really doing, and how your family is...I will just let go, bring you before the throne of prayer and get on with my daily Bible reading which today is Titus 2:3-5. I'll think about embracing the 10 principles I have found in this great scripture as my priorities. Then, I will plan them into all my tomorrows! Yea!!!!

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