Thursday, September 3, 2009

People Who Lie

My encouragement is just tell the truth. I don't usually have negative writings on my blog, but I've had so many lies thrown at me lately, I want to share my thoughts. I don't mean to be on a soapbox, but even a small white lie is aggravating.

On the other hand, why do people lie?

The truth sets you free.

I agree Society dictates that it's better to lie than tell the truth. In the world of women that I work with, most of them tell me the reason they lie is that their husband wouldn't believe them if they told the truth. You can't change his mind. You can only tell the truth. It could become a vicious circle because what if both are not telling the truth?

If you don't keep a promise with someone, is that a lie?

What about the person who said they'd call or get in touch with you and they don't; is that a lie?

What constitutes a lie?

I would go so far as to say if a person doesn't look at you in the straight eyeball to eyeball, that's a lie to me. I would a lot rather someone just tell me the truth. If they say they will call me back and don't; I begin to lose faith in them and their word doesn't count. It's tough to work with ladies whom I know are telling me a lie. Am I judging? No, because I kept my word and to give as an example, they didn't keep their word. No excuse will do. That's tough, but I believe that eventually you would just not have any contact whatsoever with the person who lies. What about you? Does it irritate you as much as it does me? I know I will get e-mail responses....bring 'em on. I value your comments!

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