Sunday, September 6, 2009

A Question Of Fairness

Let's face it, something can be absolutely unfair and true at the same time. We don't determine what is true based on whether or not it is fair. What it is true that little Sally received a C, it was certainly not fair. And while the umpire's call may have been unfair, it sure enough happened.

Obvious as that may be, I have talked to many people who flippantly cast aside the claims of Christ because they deemed unfair. Essentially what they are saying is "Christianity is unfair; therefore I don't believe it is true." Life is not fair. Life will never be fair. Life can't be fair. I am a person who believes fairness is the most important a human being should be treated! However, we rarely expend more emotion demanding fairness when we get more than we deserve. I don't know how you explain the evil and unfairness in the world. But I know one thing, it makes me angry when one person is treated one way and the other is another when they are going by the same rules. For instance, in all the years my husband and I have been married, I constantly see people treat him completely different than me and they think I don't see it. I would be a moran if I didn't! I don't know how you account for bad things happening to good people. I find it in my heart to forgive that person that treats us differently and would to me a question of unfairness.

I believe Christianity offers both an explanation and a solution. The explanation is that when Adam and Eve sinned, life became irreversibly unfair. The solution is......well, putting faith in God and believing that which is fair so that we are forgiven people for all our unfairness to assure us that at the end of life, we trusted the God who makes everything fair for us. Placing faith in Christ makes it fair for all of us to become Christians and prepare us for eternity! I know I have done this, (accepted Christ's fairness and believing that HE is the one that died on the cross for our unfairness) and I hope you have. Have a peaceful, restful Sunday!

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