Saturday, May 31, 2008


Saturday is always Outreach day....a chance to see where everyone is....the why, if's, ands, or's (as my Mom used to say) and what's going on!!!! Reaching out to people is such a blessing!!! The ultimate goal is to their commitment to come to church on pressure, but caring as to why we haven't seen them lately. I know where would I have been if someone wasn't interested in me......and of course, W.O.W. is tomorrow...........yea! I finally heard from one of our W.O.W. absentees....boy have I missed her!!!! So, 9 a.m. - bright and early....I'm to the point where I have ladies calling me now and asking about it!

I hope your Saturday is a great one! Cya in church! My hubby and I have fun working on new music, his message, and many blessed things!!!!

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