Friday, May 2, 2008

Every Person Who Is Put In Our Path.........

for a reason!

When we awaken to this fundamental truth, we begin to understand that a benevolent force of energy is available to guide and direct our lives.......God Himself....because when one has not spoken to a friend for a long time, a renewed friendship is always such a blessing and joy!

There are no coincidences........the way we view our life, who comes into our life and I truly believe it is for a reason, is a touch from God and this person becomes a friend that gives insight, support, and just plain ole' love and kindness. Though there be thousands of miles that separate us.....what a refreshing time of fellowship, friendship, and rejoicing!

I hope you have such a joy and blessing from a friend who "loveth at all times" as the Bible says. And of course it's do plan on having fun at the same time!


Crystal Renaud said...

carol, i appreciate your feedback on my guest blog post so very much. wow, thank you for totally filling my cup of affirmation to the rim. i would love to talk to you some time... via email or whatever. - blessings to you.


Carol Donnelson said...

Hiya Crystal:
Thanks for comment...which I do appreciate! I'll e-mail you next week.
Occasionally I cursor down to view any comments and I found your's today. Be blessed this day! I know you will!
Carol :)