Monday, January 17, 2011

Things Are Moving!!!!!!

I asked God to put me in a position where my past knowledge would help my life count for someone. And whoa!!!! Last night about 6 p.m. I received a cell phone call from a friend I had from New England. She called to tell me she really misses my blogs because her son took her computer and got her a laptop and she doesn't know how to work the laptop so she gave it to her ganddaughter. Now, her computer doesn't work. So, she gave up life and felt being "wasted away." I convinced her that there are things to keep moving, do not give up. She committed herself to keep walking, keep sending thank you notes, doing things she likes. No one can do it but YOU!

You keep things moving. God will be the motivator, but giving up is not the answer. Because why? You will become stale!!! And what I call die out!!

Ladies we must put God in control. As we let Him take control, we become one with Him. It is amazing how much easier our burdens become.

Thank You Lord for how you gave me my friends (BFF) It happened as though He planned it all along. I rejoiced that she needed me. I thank God for showing me how to be kind and compassionate and alert to my friend's concerns and needs.

Proverbs 17:17 "A friend loveth at all times." "And now these three remain: faith, hope and the greatest of these is love." I Cor. 13:13 God keep things moving!

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