Monday, January 10, 2011


If you are reading this, you are my BFF - Best Friend Forever!!!

Can't do without you.

My home is open to you. May my room always be open for you!

I can trust my friends......Y'all force me to examine myself, encourage me to grow!

A true friend is on call 24/7.

You are my BFF - my own personal guardian angel!

Girlhood friendships give me a model to keep trying to recreate my life for the best!

Friends get you through bad times and help you enjoy the good times.

I don't need much.....I need my friends, my husband and kids, my dog, and my Bible.

Wanna go with me as we love the Bible together as BFF? Proverbs says "A friend loveth at all times." I wanna hear from you, my BF (Best Friend)....Love, Carol

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