Friday, January 28, 2011

Purpose of Blogs....or at least my Blog

When blogs were popular, our son said, "Mom you would be great at blogging" so I asked me to drop by and put me one in. I'll never forget the incredible joy and happiness it gave to me; to be able to share my heart, heart's desire and keep myself using my gift, ENCOURAGEMENT. After almost 1,327 blogs, I am still loving to blog and if one person was blessed, it's been worth it. Most of my revivals come from survivals. I'm a fighter and fight to win because I know God has moved my fingers so many, many times; sick or not sick, happy or not happy, just kept my motivation and focus on what He would have me write. SO VERY EARLY IN THE MORNING.

And of course when my hubby gets up; one of his first questions will be "What did you write about on your blog today?" He knows and the kids say "How's your blog?" "Did anyone comment?" Purpose of is all I can answer. The Love God has given me to give out. And of course I know nothing about google stuff, but I do know that if I have a problem, they readily fix it through their help contact. So, that seems easy as pie. And I love simple things. Especially since we have retired.

Okay....back to giving glory to our incredible God who is always there for us; solves all problems and we need Him just to straighten out the drastic issues in this world! This week I have read Proverbs 3:5-6 over and over and over, knowing full well trusting in the Lord with all my heart and lean not unto my own understanding....what a promise of God. I have told the Lord that I will lean on Him and just be eternally grateful that the encouragement I get back from the commenters I have now is enough to make me want to keep on keeping on least with my Blog. Thanks you precious friends and may God bless you beyond comprehension. Jesus is all we need, ladies. He will shine our light for us!!! Happy Friday and the weekend. Yesterday I was able to make some homemade vegetable soup and now tonight for our date night I am going to turn it into a pot pie. I will put two crusts with the soup (which has thickening in it) and viola......a homemade pot pie! I think the last antibiotic pill has really kicked in, but I do want to stop and thank you precious friends who have prayed for me and made comments here on my heart is so grateful.

Oh, and the purpose of blog....for the writer to share what she has on her mind, then if the commenters are going through the same, love, love it! ...the Force that sustains me, subscribers!!!! Yea!!!

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