Sunday, August 22, 2010

All About Me!!!

Wow! Yesterday was MARVELOUS! I heard from everyone for my birthday on FB!!!! My heart is bubbling over with joy and gratefulness for everyone making a commenting and me getting to say to them what I have wanted to say for a long time! Feel important! You bet I do!!! It was all about me and I just had a grand ole time and appreciated everyone who took the time to say something! Since we retired, I've had a real hard time accepting it, but I know my hubby knew it was time, so I sure wouldn't buck him and cause any commotion for it!

But, my birthday made up for me! Everybody needs somebody. When you begin to pour your effort into helping someone, it is absolutely amazing how that encouragement gets multiplied. Influence influences. The greater the positive impact you make on another person, the more likely that person can turn around and influence others positively! The problem is that we have a natural tendency to hold back. Why? Waiting on someone else to do it. Well, they didn't yesterday.......I accepted it all about me and soaked it up. Thank each and every single one of you. I feel so valued. It was an incredible birthday and one I will never forget!

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