Thursday, March 18, 2010

"Jolly" Peeps

This morning I am late writing my blog. I had tea with a charming lady....oooops a jolly lady who was so delightful! Her hubs was having their income tax done and we were so I enjoyed talking to her while we waited!!! She has had humpteen (OK lango)surgeries; hip replacement, bone in her foot, back re-replacement (twice) and had gorgeous hair, nails and personality! She kept asking me what I wanted out of life now that we are retired........she had such an avid interest in me; I feel spoiled! Sometime in April we are going to a genuine lady "tea party." Wish I could take my daughter and granddaughter because when they were about 3-ish years of age I had tea parties on their play sets at least three or four times a week. We would put hats on and jewelry to look real grown up! I know I will have to dress up for this event, but I'm thrilled to be asked to go!!!!

I hope this encourages you like it did me. Someone sought me out to invite. I was always the one that invited ooodles and bunches to Outreach at church and NOW IT'S ME!!! Oh, do I ever feel important! Have a happy Thursday and enjoy this sunshine today!

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