Saturday, November 14, 2009

Reading List of Blogs

I love to read other blogs and keep up with what's going on in each life! It's a passion with me. Lately I have talked to so many people who think blogs are a thing of the past since we have Facebook. I don't agree. Facebook is a social networking and so cool, but blogs let you in on what really does interest the writer. I truly love to encourage people...I'm finding out people want to live unto theirself, so they aren't interested, or they don't think they can write, so they don't bother with reading blogs. I have people who subscribe to my blog and it thrills shows me they care about me and that goes a l--o--n--g way!!!!

Right now I'm going on almost 900 posts I have written. Each day just gets better and more encouraging to me as I think back how far I have come since our Son put my blog in. It's a way of writing thoughts and being an encouragement even to one person, it is worth it!!! Getting up super early to read the blogs of friends that I have is so awesome! Recently I started reading Phil McGraw's blogs. Awesome!

Have a happy Saturday and a day off I hope from the hustle and every day grind of things! Be good to yourself and enjoy life!!!!

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