Sunday, November 29, 2009

Encouraging Managers

I know it's the Lord's Day, but last night before I went to sleep, I got out my precious prayer journal and wrote a prayer for Managers. Now that I'm wide awake bright and early, I want to extend my thoughts and hopefully if you are a Manager in any way, this will encourage you. That's my prayer.

What makes a great Manager? One who has a knack for making team members think they are better than they are!

He/She forces you to have a good opinion of yourself.

He/She lets you know he/she believes in you!

He/she makes you get more out of yourself.

And once you learn how good you really are, you never settle for playing anything less than your very beest!

Whether it be in Church Staff or Business World, and you embrace the title of "Manager" this is great to have a team that produces great results! You should double-be-blessed that you have dedicated staff members who have a lot of respect for you to do a great job and be a part of a winning team! And that's my take on being a super great Manager! Great encouragement to go by! God bless each one!

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