Friday, February 27, 2009


To you, what are blessings? I had a person send me a thank you note that signed off Blessings, Donna. That started my mind to start thinking.....Each day when I wake up, I can hardly believe how blessed I am. Just think, the gift of a day, a whole, entire, precious and priceless day! But I remind myself - it's not my day. Oh no. It's God's day! And I am a steward of it. So I sit down with my trusty calendar and planner in hand and ask, "Lord, how do you want me to live this day? What is it that You want me to do with this one day that You have given me?" "What is the work You want me to accomplish today?" Living each day for God's blessings. Blessings are happy things that come my way and I know that if I focus on Him and truly appreciate these blessings (happiness) that He has entrusted to me, it will be a wise walk with Him.

Friday ties up His blessings for me. Prepares me for Saturday when I do Outreach and then I can look ahead to His many blessings that He bestows upon me. I pray that you will be blessed as you read this. My favorite encouragement is BE BLESSED!

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