Thursday, February 11, 2010


Our society has lost honor. Our President gets flack. Leaders are dishonored. Look at the positive side. If you honor your parents, now you have a promise to stand on! How do you begin to honor? Honor needs to be displayed in action, in words and in thought. Root of honor starts in the heart. I'm so grateful my kids honor me. I feel so respected by them.

Honor means "a valuing." Thought and heart is above action! Honor is a fear of the Lord. We have lost that. II John 8...How do we receive honor? Because we ARE to be honored. Yesterday I met with a friend; she had her friend there and my friend honored me and her friend followed. Because she saw the respect my friend gave me. After I walked away from them, I felt honored; they went all out, exploding in happiness that they hadn't seen me in so long; she (my friend) honored me so!

What is honor's reward?
right motivation
directed by the Spirit of the Lord
teaching character
God definitely
respecting elders

How about you? Are you around people that put pressure on you not to honor your parents, God, or friends? Take your stand for honor!

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