Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Interesting it an encouraging word?

I've often thought about it; and I'm thinking it is encouraging. It's determination that keeps us focused (i.e. I'm determined to run these miles, or get this finished) I'll just say I hope and pray you are determined to get your goals accomplished or tasks finished!

Any way you look at it, especially if it is in a positive way, it can add lots of happiness to your life. These days they call it "mind set." In the days I grew up, it was called "you're determined!!!" sometimes given in an angry tone. But, I'll leave it up to you to decide if it is encouraging.

Today I'm determined to get all my cards made, my hair looking beautiful (I'll be determined that the curling iron will work and my hair comes out perfecto!!!!) and accomplish organizing paper work for income tax. Plus the other great things today......happy Wednesday!!!!

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