Thursday, January 14, 2010

Focus on Strengths

We're almost half-way through the month of January our new 2010 year! I want to encourage you to "stay" your mind on strengths! Yesterday I was drained from being with a lady that saw the BAD in everything. By the end of the day, I checked my attitude and it was "gripey".....see discouragement and negative does drag someone way down. Please give words of kindness and love, confidence, ability to lighten their load. It brings hope and encouragemenet and adds tremendously STRENGTHS!!

II Cor. 13: Greet one another with love, kindness, and patience!


Gayle said...

Good words, Carol, and so true. Negative people make me tired.

Carol Donnelson said...

Gayle - thanks! I agree. ...and then they wonder why they have zero friends. Positive attitude, improving life, and providing that encouragement benefits both giver and receiver!!! Have a super Friday!