Friday, October 30, 2009

From Where I Sit.........from Carol's Heart!!!!

I see a lot of encouraging that needs to happen from my end since that is my passion for having this blog. Being in the blog-is-phere and reading other bloggers' subjects, it seems there is a lot of down moments with them and to the extreme that they spend most of their lives with "past" (there's that word again) hurts, pain, etc. and to me would need lots and lots of encouragment! I'm not saying I'm perfect at encouraging, but they constantly send me e-mails thanking me and wishing they could be like me. Whoa.....that set me to thinking. Am I really an encouraging person? My hubby says it's a gift and passion I have and from where he sits, I live that way!!! He says the first thing I want to do is "encourage someone who seems to be having a low day and can hardly wait to say something that will compliment them to hang in there."

Okay, that's a great way of putting "ME" -- so I can handle that! I just cannot wait until their face lights up when encouraging words come out of my mouth! (That's a brag on God, not me.) Maybe it is a gift and what's wrong with bragging on this quality since I really feel like God has given me the gift of encouragement. Giving Him all the glory is great, because who is the number ONE person who needs the encouragement.....ME.....who wants to encourage the encourager????? I know Geneva did this week by her comment....and I say thanks, Geneva. You are definitely an encourager of encouragers....whoooohooo. I know our Son and Daughter are definitely encouragers. Although FB is taking over in winning relationship living by society. But, I still love blogging. It has been three years that I had our Son put in my new blog and I have hardly missed a I'm celebrating a 3-year dream and for some reason I can't give it up! Enjoy your Friday!!! (& Halloween weekend!)


Geneva said...

Awe such a sweetie :)
I have never met anyone that has the gift of encouragement like you! You can go tackle the world on your encouragement :)

Hugs and Happy Halloween!

Carol Donnelson said...'re definitely the Encourager of Encouragers....yippeee....cause I really feel encouraged after reading your comment! Thank you so humbly! Hugs right back! & thanks for being such a great prayer warrior!!!!