Sunday, October 26, 2008

Apple Computers - random thoughts

I know this is the Lord's Day, but I awakened this morning thinking about Apple Computers. To me, they can do about any thing.....I have never seen a computer that is so efficient and up to par that society loves and has! My husband says when he truly retires he doubts if he will ever turn another computer on. Of course he uses the computer so much to present his power power point information on Sunday that he teaches, and then the music is put on the laptop for Sunday worship songs. But sometimes, he has to go over and over the songs to have the timing right. That is frustrating...something slips in the computer and it begins all over...I've seen it happen, but he has the patience to fix it. I wouldn't! But, I'm sure with the Apple computer that would never happen. I've heard from the young jetset, very knowledgable brilliant computer people that the Apple has all the answers.

Oh well, do I want one....not on your life....I'm a simple simon type person and I type over 90 words a minute, so as long as it has a keyboard and my fingers can fly to type what I have to say, that's all I need. Our daughter and son have all Apple computers, laptops, etc. And I can adjust when I go to their homes, but to want one....nay....I'll just keep my hand-me-downs computers and do the research I need to find things on Google and keep on plunkin' with no ungratefulness at all.

Today in W.O.W. (Women of Worth) we are discussing Pop Culture...9 a.m. See you there....can't wait to hear the comments on this one. It's a relevant subject...come on wake up, and have your coffee or bring your coffee with you and we will have fun!

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