Monday, June 29, 2009

Associate With People Who Add To Your Life

There are four types of people in your life:

people who add

people who subtract

people who multiply

people who divide

Associate only with people who add or multiply your life. If a person is subtracting or dividing, you need to separate from that person. It will bring you down. I promise. Life's too short to add so much stress to your life!


Pamela said...

Thank you so much for the simple yet profound wisdom. Have a blessed day:).


Carol Donnelson said...

Hey, thanks Pam! Same to you "a blessed day!" I've seen it too many times....people who divide and I'm exactly in the middle!

Sara said...

I agree with what you are wrote for my closest friends. However, I do think it is important for me to have room in my life for those who are unlovely, broken and wounded. My parents are a great example of people that do this. They see in each person the potential of becoming someone who "adds" and "multiplies".

I was about to submit this comment, when my friend Angela stopped by my house. She shared a letter describing how she used to be broken and felt unloved. Here is a quote: "I was broken, abused, and abandoned, and I believed it was my own fault because I was unlovable. I felt that not even God could love me. God has healed my brokenness, and I am thankful for His mercies, His compassion, His steadfast love and His healing grace. He touched my shattered life and put the pieces back together." (Used with permission.) Angela is a person who adds a lot to my life.

Sometimes, God leads us to minister to those who are dividers, in hope that they will become multipliers of His love.

Thank you for the thoughts you share on your blog. I especially like, "Kids That Have Such A Caring Conscience!" As a mom with young children, it is encouraging to read about the fruits of your parenting!

(To read more about Angela's amazing story check out this link.)

Carol Donnelson said...

Yes, I will definitely read Angela's story...thank you for great comments. I'm super positive but I also need supportive people around me or I go into "lonliness" - Oh, yes, we need the broken and ones who feel unloved so that we can shine the love we read about in I Corinthians 13, the Love Chapter right on them. Thanks tons - I value what you say!

Thanks for the compliment on "Kids That Have Such a Caring Conscience." You are remarkable!!!

Sara said...

Thank you for the gracious way you received my comment.