Thursday, April 23, 2009

Priorities..... written straight from the heart!

Keep your priorities today and don't get side-tracked. If you promised someone something, keep your promise. By all means, make your list and cross off what you promised and the list just gets shorter and shorter. I could write a book on priorities. Most people have not one single clue as to what it means to prioritize. That means to tackling the task and rid yourself of things that annoy and the "put-offs" for too long list. Keep a great attitude and face the challenge with a cheerful outlook and it won't be long until the impossible task is DONE!

Write down six things you must take care of TODAY, tackle them, and mark off what is accomplished! By all means, make yourself a priority and do something you enjoy because you're the only you there get that make up out, doll yourself up, and be proud that you have the ability to live a super great life with God at the helm! And when you are tackling the toughest task, remember to say "Thank you Lord for the ability to multi-tasking and you have given me the Love for others, to pass on a cheerful attitude." And by all means, be grateful He has given you great health and a sound mind!!!!! : D

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