Friday, April 3, 2009

Morning Person ....Random Thoughts

I'm a morning person! Can't help it; I believe I was born that way! People rag me about it! It's such beautiful times to be completely alone and having my brain go in gear and hark! - here we go starting a new day! I have a friend who just can't get up in the mornings without 2 or 3 alarm clocks going off! Oh my goodness; my heart goes out to her and believe it or not, I love to wake people up in a soft tone. My husband always wakes up in a super great mood. He does most of his sleeping in the a.m. because he's a "night" person. You'd be surprised at how many people ARE NOT morning persons! I go into some restaurants of Servers who come to work at 5 a.m. but gripe about it. That one annoys me, but I have a choice not to go there. Don't rain on my parade (morning) I venture off to another Restaurant where I get greeted with some part of a smile and positive welcome!

That reminds me when a visitor comes into church at 10 a.m. when our Services begin...just maybe they are really not morning persons, so please give them a smile and positive attitude about them being there. We love visitors at our Church, but it dawned on me perhaps they have a struggle getting up even that a.m. hour!!!

So, whatever you are...a night owl, or a perky cheerful morning butterfly (like me) just rejoice that we are all still alive and have choices to be what we want to be! You can call me a yucky happy morning, cheerful person, but I love it and will remain this way forever! Enjoy your Friday - I know I am!!!! C ya in Church 10 a.m. Palm Sunday! OUR REDEEMER LIVES!!!!

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