Thursday, April 2, 2009

I'm A Positively Wired Person

A study was done by psychologist Henry H. Goddard on evergy levels in children. He hooked children up to device called an ergograph to see how they would respond to the words of others. He found that when tired children were given a word of praise or commendation, the ergograph showed they experienced an immediate surge in energy. But when the children were criticized or discouraged, the device showed their energy took a sudden nosedrive.

Never underestimate the power of an encouraging word! My husband praises me by always saying "You were a Cheerleader Mom, always cheering our kids as they grew to the next level and you are doing the same great thing with our grandkids." wooohoo....I love those encouraging words! How about you? What has been said about you? I'd love to hear.

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