Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Stay Around Happy People!!!

Recently I was "caught up" in a conversation with someone that wanted me to participate in what I call "being mean" like her behavior had been. I'm not judging; it was the truth...she was out to break up a marriage. It was tough to deal with because she doesn't see the damage she could cause. My heart is sad for her to even think of it in the first place! Ladies...that is wrong in any way and don't get caught up in it. Stay around happy people!! You'll feel so much better and do not have to worry about the question, Am I involved? That's a serious question because they will NEVER admit they are involved! Why own up...it will make her look bad. She already looks bad but she's too stubborn to own up.

My advice. Be happy someone is getting help with their marriage!!! And stay out of the problems; especially because you are not even involved!!! Just stay away from negative and hang on to happy that a couple will want to find answers.

I Peter chapter 4 talks about loving your husband!!! Enjoy your Tuesday!!!

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