Wednesday, March 30, 2011

James Robison Taping Of Life Today!!!!!!

Last night I had the privilege to meet a girl I have blogged with for four years. She is going to be on the James & Betty Robison's "Life Today" program. Oh, she did a phenomenal job giving her life's message. Plus we met some awesome staff members that put his program together. They taped four shows in one night, so there was no time to talk to him or Betty, but my hubby and I thoroughly were blessed seeing what happens beyond the scenes. And we met some great people who we sat by. Our friend Anne Jackson did an incredible job answering James' questions!!! We are proud to know her. She recently authored a book called "Permission To Speak Freely" (Essays and Art On Fear, Confession, and Grace). I have a book to give away if you should want it. Enjoy your Wednesday. Can't wait to see Beth Moore since we saw part of her taping! Wow! we were blessed!!!!! God is so great!!!

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