Friday, December 17, 2010

Peace & Joy of Mind!

A working mother loses peace of mind. She has little time for her family. Her mind's too preocupied with her job, her work problems, her responsibilities away from home. So she feels guilty. Especially when it's time to rush tow ork and one of the kids has a sore throat and the babysitter calls to say that she can't come.

But there are rewards of Motherhood. I still believe God's idea for Moms is to stay focused on peace and joy of mind! You have two vital jobs, home and Company. I always hope and pray the weekends aren't rough! All the things that have to be done. I trained our kids in strong character, responsible, and respect for elders, teachers or any adults that expect super attitudes. It worked. Both our kids are so smart in decision skills and very joyful staff members. May God bless Moms and all our kids as we all pray for each other to have peace and joy of mind!!!

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