Monday, December 13, 2010

100 Joys!!!!!

Sarah Markley has 100 Joys going on her blog. Her blog is the very best I have ever read. She is an extraordinary writer and such a lovely person!!! I've been finding JOY every single day, hour, and minute to be a part. There are so many issues that happen that turn to joy if only we will let them.

Joy, true joy that comes from me, given through Christ gives me songs of praise and scriptures flow from my heart. I fall asleep with a prayer trailing from my lips with joy and awaken with a hymn of praise flowing through my mind. You, Lord, are my joy and strength.

The more joy I pass on to others, the more the Lord refills my well with unquenchable joy! Everlasting joys and peace. Thank you, God! And thank you Sarah, for being such a vital blessing to me (my hubby also) as he has retired from Senior Pastoring 38 years!!! Be blessed with a JOYOUS CHRISTMAS & definitely JOYOUS New Year!!!

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