Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas Trees

In the daily walks, etc..namely Mall Walking....looking at the various Christmas Trees in Stores is breathtaking! Especially this year - they are amazingly incredible the way they are decorated. And even in the banks there are trees decorated. We have a lighted tree in our Fellowship Hall at Church which is beautiful. How about you? Do you get a "real" tree or do you have one that is tucked away in a box and you get out? I have a tucked away well lit tree. At first I debated putting our kids' ornaments they made in grade school (oh my gosh!) but opted for putting grandkids' ornament (Note: singular) - they gave us an ornament they made in school a couple of years ago and there they are - front and center on the tree!!! That's the fun of Christmas. Celebrating Jesus birth and honoring Him, and seeing the family decorations, eating the food, just plain ole' blessings!!!!

We have a tremendous family that loves Christmas and trust me - there are no humbugs in our family to ruin Christmas. Guess they know it's the greatest time of the year where we are together and so grateful!!!!!!! Hope you enjoy looking at trees - Christmas trees THIS DAY!!!

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