Friday, November 7, 2008

Just Be Honest!

My thoughts....just tell the truth! Lately I have run into people that would rather lie than the truth......oh pla---eeeeze!!! For the love of might....please tell the truth...lies begat lies. Come on...get with the program...I'm helping some women that think it's right to lie.........WRONG!!!!! Just be a relationship, you owe the truth. When the other person lies, I can feel comfortable in my own skin because I have to live with my conscience and I will confront the truth. Sooooo, if you are reading this, please know lies get you nowhere.......admit you have wronged someone and make it right.

God will give you grace and mercy to tell the truth. If you have begun a pattern of lying, then come clean. I would much rather have a happy, honest, loving life of enjoyment as I pillow my head at night and thank the Lord that I had a day of serving Him in truth and wisdom to obey His will.

Your thoughts???? You're always free to comment and if you don't care to, drop me an e-mail or call me. Whatever you do, please catch yourself when you tell a lie; correct it; face telling the truth. It sets you free!!!!! Well, why? Because MAD looks bad on you! Let's love one another and make the world a better place to live! ADD VALUE TO OTHERS!

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