Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Creating!!!! Random Thoughts

Trying to create the back yard with hubby and with really no money, but being very grateful that Lowe's lets us know when their plants are $1.....isn't that marvelous?

Between facilitating married couples now which we are thrilled to do, we are creating something we can enjoy and missing the growth we saw in church members, it's nice to see couples advance in their marriage and find the reason why things aren't working and, of course, see flowers grow. I call it living out God's plan with passion and purpose.

Next to your relationship with God, your marriage is most urgent....and demanding. Yet it pays life's highest dividends. I don't know about you, but whenever anything is wrong in the least bit between hubby and me, I am miserable. Gotta communicate, spend time together, lavish him with my love! (And he does the same!)

Your loyal love for your hubby and creativity will work wonders in your marriage!!!
Takes time and love!!! Love, love, love it!

Enjoy your Wednesday!

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