Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Managing Our Lives

I think we must manager our time, which means our schedules. We need to take a look at each day and say, "There are only so many hours. How can I use them best to pursue the priorities I have set?"

We must manage our energy. Some tasks and relationships take more energy - physical, emotional, and spiritual - than others.

We must manage our creativity. We must focus it for the great impact and effectiveness.

Lately I've run into some "mean" women. Why be mean? It's so unnecessary! I've noticed I say something to them that is encouraging and there's a mean comment like "Well, they did it to themselves." Or "She's so stupid about everything she does." That grieves my spirit. It will drain your energy. Manage your life to be around those that encourage or uplift! Have a super Tuesday! I know I am going to!

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