Friday, July 31, 2009

Emotional Stability

This is a subject on managing your emotions. I was with a lady yesterday who tried to convince me it couldn't be done! I'm here to tell you, it can!!!! Get your cup of coffee and take some time to digest what I have to say:

God created us with emotions so that we might be able to enjoy Him and His creation. Often we have been tempted to consider our feelings as a bother, a hindrance to living a life of faith. I believe God gave us emotions so that we might live a well-balanced and wholesome life. After all, God Himself is an emotional being who expressed anger, pleasure, and compassion. Our goal, then, ought not to be to support our emotions, but rather to achieve emotional wholeness through finding God's answers to our emotional needs. Take for instance the emotion of sorrow. A loss.....we have to learn to COPE. So many women have the impression that their emotions are an unwanted appendage.

We can benefit from negative emotions. Husbands have often developed insensitivity toward their wives by simply repeating what they have heard in church - that your feelings should be rejected. YET THOSE FEELINGS ARE IMPORTANT. They are a part of our total being.

I've known angry people who deny their anger; they are unable to admit such feelings. Others deny hostility, bitterness, or sorrow, thinking that Christians should not have such feelings; they insist that they are free from them. The result is that deep feelings often smolder beneath the surface of their personalities. I am convinced that emotional wholeness cannot be achieved through denying the deep emotions that we all have. (Including men and women!!!)

There is a drug for virtually every physical pain, every emotional disturbance. If you feel down, take "uppers," if you're emotionally excitable, take "downers"...but at all costs, feel good!!! Society dictates....if you have a sexual urge, fulfill it, if you have anger, express it, if you feel tied down, walk away from your responsibilities. At any rate, it's your life and you're number one, so do as you please.

The biblical balance would be to admit to ourselves and to God how we feel (someetimes we should admit our feelings to others too) and ask ourselves: Why do I feel the way I do? The past must be forgiven by God and we must be cleansed from its influence.

Joy is an emotional stability for me - it comes as a result of Christ rule instead of self-rule (in other words Christ is completely in charge) ....Galatians 5:22-23 - these are qualities that the Holy Spirit wants to form in us AS WE OBEY GOD'S WORD. Christ obeyed as He went to the Cross although He (in the flesh) did not want to. He obeyed though He didn't feel like it; the feelings came later. We can't expect a life without emotional turbulence, but there can be emotional healing; as the Spirit can work even amid our ups and downs. God wans us to manage our emotions. He's assured us that they need not manage us.

I've seen a lot of women who get stuck on the angry emotion and they don't think anyone can see it....I'll blog on that a teapot....starts boiling slowly and ends up really boiling and they are stuck in the "I don't want to talk about it" mode.....a good ole communication of venting would be most helpful....because I believe it just festers and makes anyone around that person miserable. Wear the "joy" emotion just one day and I mean really wear it with your attitude and you will see a change and love it!!!! Have a joyful Friday!!!
Remember: Women are emotional and men are "fixers." Embrace emotional stability....yea and be thankful....who wants to be a dull, almost statue lady who shows ZERO emotional and no one wants to be around that person!!!! I know I won't ever be that dull!!!!

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