Friday, April 9, 2010

Purpose in Life!

My purpose in life.......encouragement! Meant for me....meant for you!

...someone lets me know they are praying for me. In fact, a dear "best friend" just sent me what she called "a prayer angel." Her note said that the little 3-inch kneeling angel was meant to sit on my desk so that each day I saw it, I would know one person was praying for me every day! Now that's encouraging!

...someone sends a little note of appreciation...for no reason at all. One day a tiny "chicken" card arrived in the mail, a cheery chicken. (I collect chickens so I see the cheeriness first!!! Inside the chicken had written these words--"Dear Carol. You have been so helpful/a life saver to me. You are to me a Titus 2 woman." ..more that it said.... Thank you and may God bless you and your beautiful family and ministry -- Remember, in Hebrews 6:10: "For God is not unfair. He will not forget how hard you have worked for Him." And the woman signed off with "Love you xxx" and her name. Friend, I have to say, first of all, that card arrived when my heart was so far down....I wondered if it would ever get "up" again! And the longer I carried it in my personal journal;that goes with me everywhere!!!! Some of you have sent encouragement on a regular basis...and I thank you so sincerely....would you believe....hardly a day goes by that I don't read what you wrote and I truly WOMEN give me my purpose in life by your encouragement!

My precious Jim is a true people person.....and he has taught me his principle for encounters with others "In every encounter make it your goal that the other person is better off for having been in your presence." I'm happy to admit, this people principle has become mine, too, and I hope will become yours as well.

Happy Friday! Choose a great purpose in life! It works!

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