Friday, April 30, 2010

Attempting The Impossible

Have we done that lately?

Honestly you have never tested God's resources until you have attempted the impossible.

Sometimes did you ever feel like a monkey? Keeps jumping from pole to pole at the same pole and finally give up?

We live in a world where many people seem to hold us down when we want to climb and reach for our dreams. Sadly, they often do it because they are trying to be helpful.

The antidote is encouragement. Encouragement changes everything! It creates an atmosphere of encouragement for the people around us.....we have the power to improve the lives of others!

Attempt to do the IMPOSSIBLE! I dare you! (Psalm 10:17) (Exodus 14:13)

I pray for you to have a marvelous Friday!!! Yea!!!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

A Positive Way To Manage Your Time!!!!

Well, my faithful friend, we have come full circule in our journey to understanding how to manage our lives as busy women!

Start with Ephesians 5:15-17 "See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time...Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is."

God's Word first.

God's perspective on the areas you manage.

Develop the discipline that better ensures a measure of success in those areas.

We are to dedicate our lives to knowing and DOING God's will. His will: management of the minutes, the hours, and the days of our lives will come much easier.

Why? Because we are traveling in God's direction, toward God's will instead of struggling against God and His plans and purposes for us!

That's the positive way - doing God's work God's way! Keep Him first and all these things shall be added unto you! May God truly bless you this day!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Understanding Our Mate (Continued)

Understanding means accepting a person as he is for what he is. We are able to help each other but desirable changes are made only through patience, love, understanding and never by conflict. Accept him for himself - not the man you want him to be!

We can do far more to establlish a firm foundation by appreciation than by criticism. You must first of all, BELIEVE IN YOUR MATE. Trust him with your whole heart, confide in him, pray with him and for him, cooperate with him, shield him, (never take sides against him), cheer him, be patient when things go wrong. Try hard to understand his ways of thinking, his abilities, talents and his background. Often we are able to help him by SIMPLY LISTENING. Remember, sharp tongues and critical attitudes will only lead to disharmony and utter confusion for you and your mate as well as for your children and friends. (James 5:16) Even the most active couple whether in Church or in Social life, needs time alone, time to talk from the heart and time to listen without preoccupation or interruption. And this is the answer to understanding what a great MAN you truly have! = )

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


This word is extremely foreign to most people! They are so used to being negative; they cannot comprehend positiveness. I'm here to tell you, live this word in your life, along with positive scriptures and your life will be so much easy! Because when things are soooo negative; my Mom used to say, you can't see the forest for the trees! You're so busy in the chaos of the negativeness, you cannot see the positiveness!

I refuse to let negativity take over my life. One example: around women that RUN their husband down. Nope! I will not. Do I have tons of friends hanging around at my door? Nope! It would be different if they would even remotely mention issues they do wrong; oh no, it's his fault no matter what!!! Really sad. He doesn't stand a chance. The Bible says "Hell hath no fury as to an angry woman....." I believe that. Do women just wake up some day and decide to be so angry they are going to ruin his day for sure? He has just as much right to be in a great mood as you are! Oh, if only women could see this!

One of the keys to a happy and successful marriage is mutual understanding; aha---positiveness!!! It is next to impossible to live with a person you are always trying to "figure out." Understanding must not be mistaken for remodeling. No one likes to be made over - especially if it is your husband or wife trying to do it. This only tends to make the sparks fly!

To be continued tomorrow. It just dawned on me; I have a breakfast appointment with a lady. not miss tomorrow's blog. Happy Tuesday!

Monday, April 26, 2010

This too shall pass.......

My heart is huge towards my blog Subscribers and E-Mailers. I want you to know.....this too shall can get through and with God's amazing grace, mercy, and love! Overcoming with a more teachable spirit may be the answer! Since I haven't had time to answer all e-mails, I want to say, especially, be open to God's will and what He wants to put His loving arms around you and let His Spirit calm all fears!

I love you and want you to know you are the victor in so many things. I journaled the things I was thankful for and almost filled the pages of a journal. Begin the week with your head held high and let God brag through you His mercy and love. It will amaze people around you and you will feel soooo good. I know you will! Begin anew a new week, looking forward to the many talents, wisdom, skills you have. Believe me the list will go on and on.

So, now the question is, how do we deal with the time issue? For most of us, all our good intentions seems to somehow get swallowed up in the swirling whirlwind of our busy lives. And we have good intentions, only to find ourselves full frustrated and defeated. We lament with wonder, "What happened?" Redeem the time....this too shall pass!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Ooooo I LOVE THIS!!!!

Faith makes all things possible.

Love makes all things worthwhile!

Happy, happy Lord's Day! I appreciate so much those of you who have written comments via e-mail. I know it's hard to leave a comment; especially since some don't have the least idea how to, but please know even when I read your e-mails, my heart is HUGE towards you this very moment! And I thank you!

Saturday, April 24, 2010


I have 3:

Reviewing my memorized Scripture verses. They come alive again with each visit!

Periodically reading through encouraging notes sent to me.

Journal.....I write everything I want to remember in my journal; prayers, sermon notes, beautiful wording, advice, ideas, dreams and goals and what my hubby, kids and grandkids mean to me (& family & friends).

End result: DISCIPLINE of reviewing to taste that JOY again and again! 'N-JOY your Saturday!!!!!

Friday, April 23, 2010

A Friend Loveth At All Times

I have friends. Sometimes I wonder what Proverbs 17:17 means: "A friend loveth at all times." Solomon stated it. So, I would feel in my heart that would be my husband because he does LOVE at all times.

How about you? Can you call your husband a friend? That's vital!

The value of a genuine friendship defies description. Friendship is too majestic, too sublime, too extensive, too inward for our human eyes to fully see. We see the fruits of it, but not the inner feeling that binds heart to heart and causes them to beat in tune. I can remember a lady in our church introduced me to a friend who needed help with marital problems (43 years of marriage) and through e-mail we conversed because she was an Interior Decorator and had many appointments. As a friend over internet, she would have made a great friend, but because she wanted to meet with me and my husband; her real reason was to manipulate my husband in counseling to see it her way instead of what the husband was saying. That was so disappointing to me because I was positive she wanted to be my friend. Did I get over it? Of course.

I could name many friends, but if you don't hear from them, are they still your friend? Hmmmm We need to ask the question: are they really interested in my friendship? Would they tell me?

Yesterday I received an e-mail from a genuine friend. Her Grandmother is in the hospital with recent surgery.....she took the time out of HER VERY BUSY SCHEDULE to e-mail me. Now, that's a friend! Trust me, I charish her that she "loveth at all times." I hope everyone has a Happy Friday!!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

What is Personality? More WIFE info........

It's understanding YOURSELF.

We need to understand ourselves. How can we ever hope to understand our mate if we do not understand our own self? How well do you really know yourself? Are we able to recognize our own strength and our own weakness? Often it is so easy to see the mote in the other person's eye and yet not know we have a beam in our own. Evidently in some areas we are not conscious of our own short-comings. We may be able to deceive ourselves but usually our mate has a perfectly good image of us. If we fail to meet his expectations, then it is our responsibility to check ourselves and correct our faults.

Do you try to make your home interesting, attractive, cheerful, a place of rest and relaxation? Do you devote time, thought and study to making it what your husband desires?

Do you serve meals he likes?

Do you handle household finances in a business-like way? Are you extravagant?

How about your appearance? Do you strive to be neat, attractive, in manner and speech?

Are you a good sport? Do you insist on always having your own way?

Do you show courtesy and consideration to his relatives?

Are you willing for him to be the head of your home?

After we have tried to become better acquainted with our own personality, and understand our attitudes, then we know our personality to change and understand him!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

What Makes You Happy?


Problems all solved?


Answers to Prayer?

Believe in Yourself?

What are you teaching yourself to be happy?

And I believe once you learn how good you really are, you never can settle for playing anything less than your very best to be happy! That's what I do. I get the Bible and find answers and settle with the answer. That's the best resource.

One of the best scriptures is: Genesis 1:26-28; Genesis 2:7 and Genesis 2:18-25.
This is a master plan or a blueprint for a Happy home! Go for it! These verses give the basic plan for the foundations of a marriage: sex, finances, religion, children or in-laws. However the most basic problem is the problem of personality conflict.

Those of you who know me, know that I don't write l--o--n--g blogs, so, with that in mind.........

Next blog: What is Personality?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My Lightbulb Moment

Never underestimate the power of an encouraging word. A Personal Banker said she wants to start a "Compliment Club" Every day we need to pay an honest compliment to each of three different persons. And Carol, we would make you the CEO because you are so GREAT at that! She gathered a crowd around her and one person said it would be dishonest to compliment someone they didn't like. Wouldn't it be insincere to praise your enemy? I said, no because the compliment is an honest statement of praise for some objective trait or merit that deserves commendation. Nobody is entirely devoid of merit or virtue.

The world is starving for appreciation. It is hungry for compliments. Somebody must start the ball rolling by speaking first and saying a nice thing to companions. "As we must account for every idle word - so we must for every idle silence." And that's my Lightbulb Moment. I felt honored. Even the Branch Manager of the Bank got involved. Thank you Lord, you know I needed that Lightbulb Moment!!! I pray you have one today!!! Yes, yes, yes!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Decisions That Are Given To A Wife

How do we determine the correct procedure in making decisions that are given to the wife? Only by reading and obeying God's Word for understanding, wisdom, and instruction and going to the Lord in prayer for His Divine strength and help are we able to cope with the different situations.

Homes do not become a reality just because we wish it, but they must be built with much prayer and guidance from our Lord.

The home is made of many persons which we refer to as "Our Family:"

F - Father, the head of the house
A - Stand between Father and Mother representing adjustments that must be made to main-
tain harmony and love
M - Stands for Mother - the heart of the home.
I - Stands for the image or impact of the home on members of the family; influence.
L - Stands for love. The strongest bond to secure and establish family ties. Family
love is based on God's love.
Y - Represents youth - the children who come to bless the home. Prov. 22:6 "Train up
a child in the way he should go." Prov. 22:1 Loving favour rather than gold..."

Be it ever so humble, there's no place like Home! & the Peace the Wife can give!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Right Living!

We shouldn't live a selfish life and ever hurt others through our greed. God made this earth for all and blesses each of us with His care. If while striving for success, and we're kicking others down we need to remember God is looking down on us and it's only through living right, that we'll have true success and happiness.

If we stomp on someone's heart to reach a goal we want to attain, God will see it from the start and won't uphold the dishonesty of the gain we think we are getting.

Living right gives us no regrets.

Happy Lord's Day and many blessings and may God give His special touch to you....his touch of beauty!!!!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Nine Encouraging Words To Ladies!!

We shall overcome.

And, with a more teachable spirit!!!

Take them to heart!!! ....and be blessed.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Small Stuff - Don't Sweat It!

Don't make mountains out of molehills! "This too shall pass!" This is what I do when I'm all stressed out of tune! (balance).

I ask my self a someone trying to change me? I will not make it a big deal! It's important to have some super self talk as I categorize this problem.. Is this a 5 minute problem? Is this a 5 hour problem? A 5 hour problem (would be like missing a flight...) or is it a 5 month problem? I will stay in peace; do my best to not sweat the small stuff. My Momma in Oklahoma used to say "Don't count your chickens before they hatch?"

Acts 20:24 - "None of these things move me."

Life is a coin, you can spend it anyway you wish but you can only spend it once! Do you sweat the small stuff? Or do you deliberately add things to what someone said to make them look bad and what does it do? It starts a hostile argument. You're not the one in charge of their life? Why make a big deal out of nothing!!!


Thursday, April 15, 2010

A Real Look At Life Ladies!!!!!

Okay, I'm up early. What else is new?

I want to think about the place where you live, the place you call home. You and I have little control over most of the events in our lives. But we set the atmosphere and spirit of the home. It's our place! Our sphere! My hubby doesn't care at all how I move furniture, or being a "keeper of the home." Come one ladies....keep your home clean. Husbands love that! I know so many whomen who have made so much trouble in their home simply because they leave crud, dirt around and if I were a hubby I would say "unacceptable!!!" Bottom line! This is a real looking at it! It takes about twelve minutes exactly to pick up the clutter, organize it.

Don't write off homemaking as a worthless occupation. Talk to some women who DO LOVE taking care of their homes. Don't be jealous. Ask your husband to encourage you and pray for you. Be accountable!

Create a REAL LIFE to have heaven on earth where you live!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A Calling To Contentment

Are you content? Philippians 4:11-12....."I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content..."

There's no doubt that contentment is a real tough issue for women. But we are admonished to live each and every day with passion and purpose to be content.

I want my face to fully shine with all sufficient joy --- and contentment --- in the Lord! Yesterday I spent time with a lady who is frozen with fear. Tragic! She has a beautiful Spirit, but will not acknowledge how content she is. I told her she has built walls around herself. She has everything in the world going for her, but couldn't see it. I enjoyed helping her see how peaceful it would be to ask God for contentment! I believe she will have had a great night's sleep. That was my prayer and encouragement to her. We shall see. Right now at this very time, I am being very content! And I'll be praying for you also. It is a great part of God's amazing grace that works!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


The word....exercise!

We have a new Grocery Store 6 doors down from our home now! It opens today! So, yesterday we were invited to a "Ribbon Cutting Ceremony" as everyone was permitted in for samples of food and to view the new Store! So we walked there! So, now we will be walking there probably daily to get our "EXERCISE" IN! whooopeeeee!!! Much needed, but I will honestly say I'm sore!!! And I call myself a "walker" you see we all need some get with the program....can't deny it! Have a very happy Tuesday. What an odd day to open a Store, but we saw some really cheap fruit that we need desperately! It's a small store, but definitely lower in prices!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Communicating (My Fav Subject)

How about clear understanding? One day Mary decided her husband was not as attentive as she wished. Shet met him at the door with this complaint, "Honey, I've been watching the Joneses next door, he brings his wife candy and flowers. He always kisses her when he comes home. I wonder why you don't do that?" Very quietly he answered, "Because I don't know her that well." It is very important that we learn the value of communication in our marriage.

Yesterday I spoke with our precious daughter and she communicated she had been real busy and couldn't talk very long. Of course, that's a clue....honor her request and keep the communication short, sweet, and to the point. We all need to get the's there....honor, respect and look for a clear understanding.

My husband and I were conversing about communication yesterday. Our question: Why don't people call on cell phone to enjoy friendship? There's no answer, but we both voted unanimously, it's SAD! But, then he said, "They don't care." Ooooo that one is really sad. I'm different. I'll make the call myself. I don't want to be included in that category of communication.

I appreciate so much the comments made to me on FB!!! It lights up my life and enlightens my day! I want to always communicate "encouragement" and those of you who write comments; they, in turn give me a perfect level of encouragement! It's mandatory for me!!!

Sunday, April 11, 2010


It's time to make a prayer list for me. I need to really study my own prayer list at this moment and cross out the answered prayers. What a beautiful to do so! A challenge, but I know the Lord will see me through. Thank goodness for His love and mercy as He gives me the decision and commitment to "catch up."

Bless you this Lord's day!

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Dedicating this day for all the people who have mentioned to me they will really miss the Cowboys Stadium and I'm one of them. Both our kids performed at the Stadium through the MacArthur Band. Our son was a Drum Major and performed many times there and our daughter had performance there in Band and other events. So, in memory, before we go to church tomorrow, we will watch on Channel 8 the kid that presses the button (his Father is a Pastor in Garland) and we can't wait to see or possibly can hear it!

Happy Saturday! and God bless everyone!!!!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Purpose in Life!

My purpose in life.......encouragement! Meant for me....meant for you!

...someone lets me know they are praying for me. In fact, a dear "best friend" just sent me what she called "a prayer angel." Her note said that the little 3-inch kneeling angel was meant to sit on my desk so that each day I saw it, I would know one person was praying for me every day! Now that's encouraging!

...someone sends a little note of appreciation...for no reason at all. One day a tiny "chicken" card arrived in the mail, a cheery chicken. (I collect chickens so I see the cheeriness first!!! Inside the chicken had written these words--"Dear Carol. You have been so helpful/a life saver to me. You are to me a Titus 2 woman." ..more that it said.... Thank you and may God bless you and your beautiful family and ministry -- Remember, in Hebrews 6:10: "For God is not unfair. He will not forget how hard you have worked for Him." And the woman signed off with "Love you xxx" and her name. Friend, I have to say, first of all, that card arrived when my heart was so far down....I wondered if it would ever get "up" again! And the longer I carried it in my personal journal;that goes with me everywhere!!!! Some of you have sent encouragement on a regular basis...and I thank you so sincerely....would you believe....hardly a day goes by that I don't read what you wrote and I truly WOMEN give me my purpose in life by your encouragement!

My precious Jim is a true people person.....and he has taught me his principle for encounters with others "In every encounter make it your goal that the other person is better off for having been in your presence." I'm happy to admit, this people principle has become mine, too, and I hope will become yours as well.

Happy Friday! Choose a great purpose in life! It works!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Our Mate - How To Understand Him

One of the keys to a happy and successful marriage is mutual understanding. It is next to impossible to live with a person you are always trying to "figure out." Understanding must not be mistaken for "remodeling." No one likes to be made over - especially if it is your husband trying to do it. This only tends to make the sparks fly.

Understanding means accepting a person as he is for what he is. We are able to help each other but desirable changes are made only through patience, love, understanding and never by conflict. Accept him for himself - not the man you want him to be.

We can do far more to establish a firm foundation by appreciation than by criticism. You must believe in your hubby! Trust him with your whole heart, confide in him, pray with him and for him, cooperate with him, shield him, cheer him, be patient when things go wrong. Also please be trusting on what you do. If you lie to him, then you need to confess to him that you did lie and not blame it on the kids. The put downs have to go; that's being hypocritical. James 5:16 - "Confess your faults one to another...." great verse! All of this will give understanding and you are on the same page as him and love just is inevitable! ....and happiness!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Understanding Yourself as a Wife

In discussing personality, we must know or understand ourselves. How can we ever hope to understand our mate if we do not understand our own self? How well do you really know yourself? Are we able to recognize our own strength and our own weakness? Often it is so easy to see the mote in the other person's eye and yet not know we have a beam in our own. We may be able to deceive ourselves but usually our mate has a fairly good image of us. If we fail to meet his expectations, then it is our responsibility to check ourselves and correct our faults.

These are some questions it is good to ask ourselves as a wife:

1. Do I try to make my home interesting, attactive, cheerful, a place of rest and relaxation?

2. Do I devote time, thought, and study to making it what my husband desires?

3. Do I serve meals that are nutritious, appetizing to the taste, and what our family enjoys eating?

4. Do I handle household finances in a business-like way?

5. Am I extravagant?

6. How about our personal appearance at home, or in public?

7. Am I a good sport? Do we insist on always have our own way?

8. Do we try to encourage our mate's decisions even if we do not always agree?

9. Are we willing for him to be the head of our home?

10. Are we willing to follow his leadership in private and family devotions?

In trying to understand our own personality or discover our real motives, we realize we are actually what we have been becoming over a period of years. They can become stepping stones or stumbling blocks just as we will allow them to.

Then after we have tried to become better acquainted with our own personality, and understand our attitudes more clearly, then we need to: Understand our mate! (Thur.--tomorrow -- to be continued.)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A Wife's Dream!!!

A friend of mine wrote this and gave it to me. I had told her I am featuring "The Wife" on my blogs and her role to maintain a happy home and she sent it. Enjoy:

I want to be a Martha full of hospitality.
I want my guests to have the best while visiting with me.
I lay the cloth so smoothly, place the silver by the plate
And hope the food is very good for all who there await.

I want to be a Martha, caring fondly for my own,
To wait upon 'til day is done, those sheltered in my home.
But in the midst of serving thee, though weighted down I be,
Lord, let me be like Mary who had fellowship with Thee.

Monday, April 5, 2010


Love that word! Every minute you are angry you loose 60 seconds of happiness. Remember to keep your opinions to yourself. A halo has to fall only a few inches to become a noose!

The things you do not say, you do not have to regret later. How often I wish people could erase some of their hasty words to me and it's not even my fault!

Why be so angry and where does it get you?

Have some patience and love and really mean it!

Practice will come back to you 10-fold!!!!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

Praying for you to have a Happy Easter, including our kids, our grandkids, and family/friends who live many miles from us!

The things you do not say, you do not have to regret later. Tolerance - No two families are identical, Each has their own good points - - try to use these to enrich your own home! That makes for a Happy Easter!

We celebrate His resurrection and life He has given us because of this day!
So, as we all have great feelings for whatever takes place today, just know, Christ is alive and risen!!!!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Happiness!!!!

I'll be back on "Marriage" on Monday on my blog. Thanks for your patience.

I want to say I really pray each one of you connect with the agony and suffering our Savior did by dying on the cross for our sins. That is Easter happiness, knowing He took our place and at this point comforts us as we celebrate what He has done for us!

Yesterday I visited with two ladies (one, age 72 and dying of cancer) (the other 90 years old) who had NO CLUE about the Easter happiness they can have. All I could do was offer the salvation message. (They are 2 long-standing neighbors). They are both in the middle of a difficult trial - a long illness or a period of financial strain. God gave me words of kindness and love, and the ability to lighten their load, bringing hope and encouragement to their lives. All they could talk about is that they want my hubby to "preach" their funeral. Finally, I narrowed the question down to "Has there been a time when you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior?" The 90 year old has without a shadow of doubt; the 72 year one bowed her head and repeated the sinner's prayer. I would suggest prayer and say thanks for letting me share this with you. My dear friends, this is Easter happiness!!!! Praise His Holy Name!!!!!!
You are welcome to share any special thing that has happened on this Easter or Good Friday! I was so thrilled to share with both of these ladies and you. Be blessed!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Respect In Marriage

Remember some of the things you had to learn the hard way. These are the points you will not want to experience again, but we each have to learn in our own time and own Respect limitations and the other's privacy.

I know some wives who, knowing their husband doesn't like it, do things that cause disrespect. Which leads to anger.....lack of patience that the husband has at this time. Remember - every minutes he is angry you both loose 60 seconds of hapiness. Remember to keep out of his no tolerance zone. In other words, don't deliberately cause anger and impatience because of already knowing that is a "don't go there" scene! I'm 99 and 100 percent you wouldn't want him to go into your disrespect zones.

Remember Matt. 7:1-3 - "Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure you mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam tha is in thy own eye?" Respect each other's boundaries! May you have a great Good Friday!"

I am memorizing Romans 5:5 a scripture re: love....I'm so happy I can celebrate the Resurrection of Christ and all He has done for us, through his unconditional love and grace. Be blessed this day!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Learn To Love From Afar

Do not create a smothering love - it will only put out the flame.

It has been said there are two kinds of men who do not understand women - bachelors and husbands. Often your in-law will be won when they realize you understand when no one else does. It is better to put a strong fence at the top of a cliff than an ambulance down below. Understanding can become a strong fence.

Proverbs 15:11 - "A soft answer turneth away wrath."
Remember you do not know all of the troubles a person experiences unless you are walking in their shoes. We have to keep a meek and quiet spirit. Hold our mouth shut if we have to.

I'm going to stop right there. When I say learn to love from afar. Let God remove you from a, what I call, "a knock-down drag out." Anger is running rampent! You will regret it ladies, if you start a major fight or he does and you strike each other or throw something at each other. Just do not start a ruckus. You know you love him and he loves you, but keep a meek and quiet spirit. Scripture: I Peter 3:4 & I Thessalonians 4:11: I Peter 3:4 - goes for man or woman. Honestly, I've seen women say things to their husband that wouldn't even be good to say to anyone, let alone the hubby! What are you going to do? Are you going to love from afar? be continued......