Wednesday, March 31, 2010

A Touch Of Love

When we repeat the wedding vows and accept the duties of a wife or husband, we immediately inherit a new family and whether we admit it or not, they are an actual part of our lives. Parents are always parents. (Remember that!) Parents should have tolerance for the new family even if you disagree with their way of life. Never criticize them openly or privately! The Bible gives two basic teachings on family living:
1....Leave and cleave.
2....Honor and care for Your parents!

Build your love on trust and truth! An in-law can be a really TRUE FRIEND who when you get to the end of your rope will be there to pull you up. Be sure and thank them!

LOVE - Romans 12:9 - "Let love be without dissimulations." Here love is spoken of as - let love be without hypocrisy! Romans 143:10 - "Love worketh no ill!"



Angie said...

Great reminder Carol.Follow those two or should I say three leave, cleave & honor and we shouldn't have in law relationship problems. And LOVE Love your blogs.

Carol Donnelson said...

Angie: Your comments are sooo awesome incredible and needed! It is so far now how society dictates women be "pushy" and "dictate" power. I decided when we married 42 years ago that I would follow the grandparents' idea of a "traditional" marriage where the man is the head of the home. True, I've lost out on a lot of my not getting my way, but the more I prayed and contemplated his idea, he was always point and center right on target! True love says, "So it was a little tiff...well, possibly he's right." But then when I give my LOVING ideas, you're right I make a card to go with it and when Jim sees it in writing, my heart is really hanging out there, so then he changes to "You know I LOVE your idea better." He is my man and I stand by him; we both may have quirks, but in the long run being married 42 years has a lot to say for it. Also, people anymore snork at it; but it's work BUT MOST OF ALL A TOUCH OF LOVE. (A bunch of touches.) I love your comments! Thank you soooo much! Y'all have a longevity marriage and more children than and definitely grandchildren than us, so I value what you say! Yea, yea, yea!!!

Carol Donnelson said...

Angie, ooops that last sentence is supposed to say Y'all have a longevity marriage and more children than us and definitely grandchildren than us, so I value what you say! Yea...By the way, Happy Easter!