Saturday, March 6, 2010


What is a friend to you?

A friend is what I call when everyone walks out, they walk in. This has gotten to be very a friend still a friend even if you don't hear from them? How about they care, then they don't care? A friend to me is please don't second guess me. Keep in touch, care, pray, but I truly believe the keeping in touch keeps a "touch of beauty" in the friendship. Things and events change on a second by second anymore. I have a lot of friends that I can meet with and we pick up where we left off. My hubby has spoiled me. He is a friend! And I expect my devout friends to be like him. I also think a friendship goes stale if you don't keep it up. Someone else gets in the open space.

The Bible says "A friend loveth at all times." Proverbs. My hubby says they are not a friend if they don't keep in touch. We're having a great time discussing this at our coffee time. I want a trustworthy friend. A friend who doesn't dissect all the flaws and wants it perfect. But, oh the understnding, to have a friend is phenomenal! Thank you for being a great friend! I appreciate it!!!! Have a joyous Saturday. : )

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