Thursday, September 27, 2007

Middle of the Week Super Blessing!

For a birthday present, my hubby was given two tickets to a fabulous concert with none other than Steven Curtis Chapman. (Also Sanctus Real & Bethany Dillon were there.) What was phenomenal is that his 16 year old son plays the drums and his 17 year old son plays every guitar imaginable! Amazingly incredible! Wow! Tremendous! Steven's latest songs, which he writes, are coming out in 2/08 and they are about "Living in the Moment" ...awe, ooooh, fabulous - there is not enough space or time to describe the 3/hr. concert! I'd be posting all day! Grateful to bet! One of my husband's other gifts was a total subscription to Onstar. So on Sattelite radio in the car on the way to the Concert, we listned to the latest in any and all Southern GOSPEL music (plus I like surfing the Channels)!!! God has blessed us in more than we could ever ask or deserve and gratitude for the phenomenal gifts is the main subject at our home!! It just can't get any better!!!!

I truly hope and pray your week has been a Super Blessing like our's! Being his "lovely wife", as he calls me, I reap full benefits also! How cool is that???

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