Saturday, September 8, 2007

The B-i-b-l-e

Remember when you were a kid singing "The B-i-b-l-e....yes that's the book for me?" And sang it with all the joy mustered up inside which was "loud joy?" I proclaim it's still the BOOK for me....yesterday I mosied by Barnes & Noble and glanced over the zillion of books. That seems to be the "in" thing these a book. Recently I read a comment on a blog that said basically don't even think about authoring a book if you're not writing on something that catches the eye, heart, and brain!!! I'm not really a controversial person and what I mean by that is starting a ruckus over something that my Mamma used to say constantly ....doesn't amount to heal of beans!!!

Our Son got me a Bible(exactly what I've ever wanted) almost nineteen years ago; I still carry it, read it daily, and wouldn't get rid of it for the world! I can remember one year a College student needed to borrow my Bible and she never returned it! I hope she is still reading it and it is her #1 book. I am at this time "authoring a book" but I can guarantee anyone who will look up anything they want to know, it's in the Bible! And I say that with no apology, with all the gusto in my being, and unequivably the TRUTH!

Hiya's almost 24 hours exact to our W.O.W. (Women of Worth) class in the Fellowship Hall at 9 a.m. This one is a barn will not want to miss it, I promise! We have a tremendous group coming and the 45-minutes passes by quickly, so see grab your coffee or tea and as we use to call it Oklahoma, COME ON OUT!!!!

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